Organic Farming: A Step Towards Sustainability
Indian consumers are evolving and becoming more aware day by day. Food quality and safety have become the most important things as the demand for organic food has increased in the market. The trend of organic agriculture is rising, which is a great alternative to modern farming methods. For a long time, commercial farming practices resulted in biodiversity loss and monoculture, which is not good for the environment. Organic farming ensures sustainable ways to farm without the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals. These days, farmers opt for biofertilizers and organic agri inputs to produce organic food.
Here are the Positive Impacts of Organic Farming on Multi-Levels
Increased Income for Farmers
Organic products are in demand in the Indian market, which helps farmers, sell their products at higher rates. Currently, only certified farmers from the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) can practice organic farming which helps them get fair prices for their produce. Farmers practicing organic agriculture can also benefit from Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna started by the Indian government to promote sustainability in agriculture. Under this scheme, farmers can get up to INR 50,000 per hectare for three years for their farming practices. It is important to note that 62% of this amount is given as an incentive towards organic agricultural inputs. Farmers order organic inputs from reliable platforms to ensure transparency and authenticity. They utilize the incentive to buy quality inputs to achieve better overall growth.
Positive Environmental Impact
There is immense positive impact of organic agriculture on the environment. It is the right way to achieve a balance between food production and sustainability. Sustainable farming ensures better soil regeneration, water retention capability, water health, better crop quality and the negative effects of climate change. It is good for the overall ecosystem and soil biodiversity. Many techniques such as crop rotation, pest management, composting, and mechanical cultivation are used to ensure no negative environmental impact.
Good for Consumers
Organic produce is grown using sustainable methods and natural inputs. So, it is a better choice for consumers. Many households are dedicated to buying organic fruits and vegetables to keep their health in check. It is a step that is not only good for their health but also protects the environment. Using natural methods instead of artificial chemicals, insecticides, or genetically modified organisms is what organic agriculture is all about. Organic food is therefore free of dangerous residues, chemicals, and pesticides, improving consumer health.
Organic agricultural practices are very common these days. With the easy availability of organic inputs, farmers can grow organic food at the same cost as doing traditional farming. In the long run, organic agriculture is very rewarding.
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